Body Lift Surgery – How is the procedure performed?

Total Body Lift Surgery

Are you considering a body lifts surgery? It is a cosmetic procedure which aims at improving the tone and shape of the body by removing excess fat deposits. An increasing number of people are opting for this surgical procedure to get improved body contour. Here you will get to know about how the body lift procedure is performed?

How is the surgery performed?

In this type of surgical procedure, an incision is made at the waist or below it and excess skin is removed and the surgeon closes the operated skin. The length of the pattern and incision depends on the location and amount of the excess skin which has to be removed. In most cases, this type of procedure treats both the back and the abdomen area and thus is circumferential.

It is performed as lower body and upper body lift ( On the basis of the patient’s condition, the surgeon recommends and suggests the best option. One thing you can be assured of is the results. The results of this surgery have, so far, been pleasing and satisfying which is why an increasing number of people are considering it.

Your chosen body lift surgeon would suggest a combination of liposuction as well as body lift procedure for achieving an overall improved body contour. Support sutures done deep within the skin help in forming your newly shaped and much improved contours. You might have to undergo a few sessions on the basis of your condition.  Your surgeon would suggest the best available strategy to address your requirements in the most efficient and safest way possible.

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